1. Meeting commenced at 1900 hours.
2. Members present:
KG6FJL, Darrin,EC
K6KN, Bill
KE6GCV, Todd
KF6HHH, Daniel
KI4DTN, Jessica
KI4DTO, Christof
KI6OBC, Blanche
KI6OBF, Jason
N6KIX, Rob
N6KLB, Rick
WA6TQJ, Gary
3. Net Control Assignments:
Feburary 25 KG6SGT
March 04 KE6GCV
March 11 K6WLS
March 17 K6KN
4. Open discussion with Diana on the ARES/REDCROSS relationships and
Diana reiterated the fact that ARES workers would remain ARES workers,
and the RED CROSS workers would remain RED CROSS workers.
5. Old Items:
1. CPR/First aid re-certification:
Classes will be set up in conjunction with the Red Cross, Diana will
provide dates. Certification can also be done on-line.
22 March is Red Cross CPR training day, 9-11 at the Chapter House.
2. Discussin on what each person needs in their Radio Response kit.
Items brought up included:
Jumper cables
Electrical tape
Tools such as wire cutters, strippers,screwdrivers, pliers,etc.
6. New Items:
- Moving out of Waite Hall: Put off until next meeting.
-Rob, N6KIX has some battery chargers that can be assembled to enable
charging of Gel cells and other types of sealed batteries. These will be
made available to whom ever wants them.
- A Work Party is needed to install Antenna Systems at the Red Cross Chapter
house. Gary, WA6TQJ is heading the project.
-The Davis Fire Dept. has requested Ham Radio assistance during disaster
related events. Chief Conroy has requested a meeting to discuss the issue.
7. Repeater and Simplex coverage mapping:
- Get the Red Cross station set up.
- Locations will be identified that we sould map.
- Each location will be checked via repeater and on simplex.
- Map GPS for each using Wes's mapping application.
8. Pictures were taken for new I.D. Badges.
9. Meeting Adjourned at 2030 hrs.