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Yolo ARES Meeting Minutes for 3/20/2007

Meeting minutes for March 20, 2007 meeting, Yolo ARES.

Members present:
EC Darrin Ogletree, KG6FJL
AEC Bill Gustafson, KG6GNI
AEC GreG Kruckewitt, KG6SJT
Bill Ragsdale, K6KN
Jim Richter, K6RZL
Ken Wilson, KI6BWM
Rob Brunk, N6KIX
Rick Littlefield, N6KLB
Ron Melancon, W0EAX
Gary Matteson, WA6TQJ
Ron Collings, WB6ZEI

Alan, KD6KDJ
Alison, KI6IMU

Meeting called to order at 1905 Hours.

1. Meeting minutes for 2/20/2007 were approved.

2. Treasurer's report: Yolo ARES has approx. $500.

3. The EOP made up by Gary, WA6TQJ, is still under review.

4. Remaining work on Radio Shack:

Ground wire installation...Rick still working on this.
Cabinet...There is one downstairs, but not sure if we will be able to use.
Desk...Rob working on this, plus any we can find would be helpful.
Power...We need some 12 volt batterys and a way to recharge them.
Packet Radio Controllers...Rob has the two that Bill, KG6GNI
donated, they need to verified as working. There is a possibility
that one of them can be used with the WinLink system that Rick is
working on.
Computer...There is a system in the closet donated by KI6BWM.
Cable(internet) access...working.
First Aid Kit...working
Food Rations...working
Water...some in refrigerator.
Fire extinguisher...Lonny, KG6FJJ needs to be contacted to see if a larger
one is available.
Weather Staion...One Donatedby Gary, WA6TQJ, needs to be installed.
HF Antenna...Dipole to be installed.
2 Meter packet Antenna...Rob, N6KIX has an antenna that needs to be
2 meter/440 antenna...Done.
Red Cross Radio...one needs to be obtained for Waite Hall.

5. Remaining work at Red Cross...
Table or shelves for radio.
Epoxy ground wire into sidewalk joint.
Drive new ground rod.
2 meter Radio.
6. Old business...David, W6VNQ, is to review the organizational plan for
Yolo County.
7. New Business...The Yolo ARES meeting for April is to be on the 17th.
March 26 KI6BWM
April 2 N6KIX
April 9 W6VNQ
April 16 KG6GNI
April 23 N6KLB
April 30 KI6FDG
9. Bill K6KN, brought up some upcoming Scouting activities, Field Day, The
camporee, and Expo 2007.
10.Rick, N6KLB discussed to UCD Triathalon, coming up on April 15th.

Yolo County ARES