Start time: 8:00:00 PM
Net control: KM6BXZ Bob
Members checked in:
kn6syf - Bruce
k6kn - Bill
kf6hhh - Dan
wa6tqj - Gary
kg6sjt - Greg
ki6hha - Dennis
kk6zgb - MIchael
Section Emergency Coordinator.
km6bxz - Bob
km6jqe - Don
km6kfw - Darrell
n6kix - Rob
n6klb - Rick
w6kjx - Lucille
km6riw - Brad (Placer ARES)
15 member check-ins.
Visitor check-ins: None
Special Traffic
Emergency / Priority traffic: None
Used K6MVR, Bruce KN6SYF recapped the meeting from last week, including winter field day and a review of the remote stations that Gary WA6TQJ operates for the group. Next meeting is 3/19
Official Traffic
Traffic:Dan KF6HHH reminded folks to sign up for net control, openings are available. Darrell KM6KFW reported that he monitored the reverse frequency during roll call and could hear most everyone other than Plymouth.
Practice Message (or more traffic)
Practice Message: Provided by K6KN, Subject - DX Event
Are you interested in DX
expeditions and HF operations question
mark X Consider attending the
DX conference in Visalia April
11 thru 13 2025
Closing time: 8:17:00 PM
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