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Yolo ARES Net Log for 2/17/2025

Start time: 8:00:00 PM

Net control: ki6hha, Dennis

Members checked in:
    kn6syf - Bruce
    k6kn - Bill
    kf6hhh - Dan
    wa6tqj - Gary
    k6bil - Bill
    kg6sjt - Greg
    ki6hha - Dennis
    kk6tbo - Gregory
    kk6zgb - MIchael
    Section Emergency Coordinator.
    km6kfw - Darrell
    n6kix - Rob
    w6kjx - Lucille
    km6riw - Brad (Placer ARES)

   14 member check-ins.

There were 13 ARES member check ins and no visitor check ins

Special Traffic
Emergency / Priority traffic: NONE

The net was held tonight on the KE6YUV Repeater. Bruce Kn6SYV our ED reminded everyone that the next Yolo ARES meeting will be held on Wednesday February 19 beginning at 7:00 PM at the Yolo County OES iffuce located at 120 west Court St, Wood land. Members are encouraged to attend. Gary WA6TQJ announced the equipment at Davis Hospital was working well and 80 meters was excellent tonight. Bill, K6KN announced he has a practice message for tonight. Dan KF6HHH announced he would check in and out tonight. There was no other messages or traffic.

Official Traffic
Traffic: No traffic was listed

Practice Message (or more traffic) The practice message was given by Bill, K6Kn

Number 11, Routine, from K6Kn, check 15, Woodland, time 19:11, date 02/17/2025
To All Hams
From K6KN
Message Body
Ham Alert KE6YUV xray Considering
New Repeater call sign for
KE6YUV xray Stay Tuned xray

Closing time: 8:24:00 PM

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