The Yolo ARES is pleased to announce that it is making RSS files of our content available to users, to facilitate reading the Yolo ARES news and Links in news aggregators. More about RSS.
To subscribe to any of the following RSS files, simply right-click on the XML graphic, then copy the URL and paste it into your news aggregator.
Yolo ARES News Feed |
Yolo ARES Emergency Alerts Feed |
Yolo ARES Links Feed |
What is RSS?
An RSS file is basically a list of headlines encoded so that it can be easily used by another program or website. RSS is usually said to stand for "Really Simple Syndication" and it is relatively easy to implement and use. RSS is a form of XML (eXtensible Markup Language), which means that each piece of data in the list — a headline, a description of a story — is coded separately so that a program will know exactly what to do with it.
Programs that know what to do with RSS files are called "news aggregators." They let you read headlines from dozens or hundreds of news sites at one time. You simply plug in the addresses of the RSS files you want, such as the ones listed above.
Where can I get a News Reader?
.News aggregators are proliferating, for a variety of platforms and degrees of technical expertise. They include:
If you don't want to install any software, you might try websites that do the aggregation for you.
There are a range of different News Readers available; click on this Google link to find links to the most popular products
Different News Readers work on different Operating Systems, so you will need to take this into account when you make your choice.