UC Davis Operators
Training Class II - Message Handling
Note: the files on this page are being chanaged and updated.
Check back often to view the latest versions of of the files.
Thank you to all that were able to make the training.
Now get on the radio and practice!
Yolo County ARES has net every Monday evening at 8:00 PM
on the KE6YUV repeater- 146.970 MHz, negative offset, with a P.L. in 123.0
We have practice ICS-213 messages every week. Visitors and guests are ALWAYS welcome!
- September 22, 2009: New versions of the slides and the handouts.
- September 21, 2009: New versions of the slides and the handouts.
The fixed types on page 10..
- September 20, 2009: New versions of the slides and the handouts
for the class have been posted. The minor changes reflect the latest version of
the ICS-213 that UC Davis will be using.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions to improve
the class, email Greg Kruckewitt, Yolo County ARES AEC, kg6sjt@gmail.com.
UCDARC Operators Training class. Wednesday September 23 at 5:00PM
and Handouts (PDFs) |
- Introduction - 10 minutes (Diana Cox)
- Power Point Presentation - Message Handling - Bob Hewitt (20
Remember this is a review. They have already seen a version of this presentation
in Operators Training I
- Preparing Messages using the structure of the ICS-213 form.
Greg Kruckewitt (10 Minutes)
Hand out model sample messages and a phonetic alphabet template.
Instructor generates a list of topics that, in an emergency, might need to be
- Instructor Demo -Bob Hewitt - sending, Ken Wilson - Receiving,
Greg Kruckewitt - Commentary (10 Minutes)
All students copy the message as well as the instructor on the overhead. Thus,
they can HEAR and SEE how it works
They need to see that the message is not read, but transmitted slowly and clearly.
- Each student prepares two or three messages. All Instructors
(15 Minutes)
These messages will be reviewed by instructors and from this group two messages
will be selected
- Identify (through a drawing) two students to pair up for message
sending and receiving - Greg Kruckewitt and Ken Wilson (10 Minutes). An Instructor
will be "coaching" the sender and the receiver. No commentary to the
class during sending/receiving.
- Class discussion conducted by Instructor - Bob Hewitt (5 minutes)
- Repeater cycle of 6 and 7 with a new sets of two students.
Instructors switch stations (15 minutes)
- Critique - 10 minutes (full assembly) (Diana Cox)